

Chemo with cisplatin, doxorubicin and cytoxan
1980s: Cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer is widely accepted and facilitated by development of bowel staplers
1980s: CA125 tumor marker is effective in monitoring the course of ovarian cancer
1980s: Prophylaxis decreases deep venous thromboses and pulmonary emboli
1980s: Regional lymph node sampling is widely adopted in early endometrial cancer
1980s: Radical local excision and inguinal lymph node dissection employed for early stage vulvar cancer
1980s: 5-HT3 receptor antagonists developed for chemotherapy induced emesis
1980s: CT scans greatly facilitate detection and percutaneous biopsy of metastatic disease
1980s HPV identified as cause for most cervical cancers
1980: First SGO meeting held outside of Florida, in Scottsdale, AZ
1980 SGO President: Leo D. Lagasse, MD (Marco Island, FL, 1981)
1981 SGO President: James H, Nelson, Jr., MD (Marco Island, FL, 1982)
1982 SGO President: Dr. Phillip DiSaia (Scottsdale, AZ, 1983) envisions an open Society
1983 SGO President: Paul B. Underwood, Jr., MD (Miami, FL, 1984)

1984: Association management company SmithBucklin begins working with SGO based out of Chicago office
1984 SGO President: Julian P. Smith, MD (Miami, FL, 1985)
1985: Barrie Anderson, first female officer of SGO
1985 SGO President: Hugh M. Shingleton, MD (Palm Springs, CA, 1986)
1986 SGO President: Robert C. Park, MD (Miami, FL, 1987)
1987 SGO President: Carmel J. Cohen, MD (Miami, FL, 1988)
1988: First SGO meeting in Hawaii
1988 SGO President: William T. Creasman, MD (Maui, HI, 1989)
1989: Carboplatin approved by FDA
1989 SGO President: Clarence E. Ehrlich, MD (San Francisco, CA, 1990)

