SGO History

Throughout the Society of Gynecologic Oncology’s golden anniversary year, SGO leaders will be sharing their perspectives on the growth of the subspecialty.

J. Max Austin, Jr., MD

The SGO was initially established as a medical society for gynecologic oncologists, and later expanded to include all members of a woman’s gynecologic cancer care team. In this clip, 2002-2003 SGO President J. Max Austin, Jr., MD, describes the demographic changes he has witnessed in the Society since he became a member in 1980.

Beth Y. Karlan, MD

Past President Beth Y. Karlan, MD, speaks about the Society’s value of representing members and patients. Under her presidency, SGO championed major legislation and advocacy efforts like the passing of the Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Act.

Larry J. Copeland, MD

In this clip, Past President Larry J. Copeland, MD, reflects upon how much the Society has changed over the years.

William T. Creasman, MD

What was it like to be one of the first fellows in gynecologic oncology? The 1988-1989 SGO President William T. Creasman, MD, describes fellowships in gynecologic oncology as the subspecialty was established.

Eva Chalas, MD

Eva Chalas, MD, discusses the evolution of the gynecologic oncology subspecialty, and how the Society has helped young researchers discover better treatments for gynecologic cancer through the formation of the Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC).

Michael L. Berman, MD

Past president Michael L. Berman, MD describes what it was like to attend some of SGO’s earliest Annual Meetings in the 1970s. Over the past 50 years the SGO Annual Meetings have grown from 45 people to over 2,000 attendees.

Wesley “Butch” Fowler, MD

The 1991-1992 SGO past president Wesley C. “Butch” Fowler, MD, discusses the growth of the organization. During his time as treasurer of the Society, Dr. Fowler played an integral role in shaping the management of SGO.

Carmel J. Cohen, MD

What treatment options were available during the earliest years of the subspecialty? Past president Carmel J. Cohen, MD, discusses the early days of training as a gynecologic oncologist. He shares his experience performing radical surgeries with the use of chemotherapy and radiation.

Ronald D. Alvarez, MD, MBA

To celebrate 50 years of dedication to gynecologic cancers, SGO past presidents and current members are discussing the history and future of gynecologic oncology. This week, past president Ronald D. Alvarez, MD, MBA, reflects on the complex healthcare climate and necessary changes that were brought about during his presidency.
